Well, I've decided to close the blog. What can I say I'm not in Russia anymore, which means the title is all wrong. Plus, not being in Russia I seem run out of material real fast. But that's not the real reason. The blog will end as it started. It started in July as the beginning of a new era in my life. That era has come to a close, and so will this blog. One year later and one year better. It's been really fun keeping this thing up, and I'll be honest I didn't really think I could do it. Thinking back on this past year I'm surprised in how different I am (although as much as I've changed I really have stayed the same). I'm also surprised in the amount of Russian I've learned, studying abroad really works you know. Anyways, I've got another year of school left (hooray for super seniors). But first I have a whole summer of working all the time (ya real summer vacations left the day I got my first job, not that I'm complaining money is fun). Don't worry about me, I'm not leaving the blog scene altogether. I'll be back real soon, but for now so long, farewell, and thanks for reading.

(P.S. I WILL be posting the name and address of my new blog soon right here, so check back every once and a while)