After the sushi bar, we meet up with pretty much the rest of our group at and ex-pat (ex-patriot) place called the “Red Lion”. This brings me to the reason for the title of this post. One of my friends was determined to try some Absinth, a very interesting liquor not sold in US bars (although it is legal to purchase and own it). So we decided to give it a shot and I must say the presentation was awesome. The first shot we ordered was brought to us with two glasses, a spoon, packet of sugar, a plate, a straw, and a napkin. Since we knew nothing of how to use all of these, we took the waiter up on his offer to mix it for us. This is how it went. The sugar was poured onto the spoon and than melted with a lighter. The sugar went into the absinthe, which was promptly lit on fire. After rolling the sugar around the glass a bit, this glass was poured into the second glass and covered to put out the fire. The top glass was then put on the napkin with the straw sticking out. At this point, the shot was ready so I downed it. I think my throat was on fire for about 5 to 10 seconds and as I tried to hold back several coughs, I was confused as to why the waiter was still holding the first glass upside down on the napkin with the straw sticking out. After staring at it for a few seconds, I realized what the purpose was. Well I tired. I don’t really think I inhaled anything seeing as taking deep breathes was not the easiest thing in the world to do after a shot of absinth.
By the end of the night, my friend and I had done three shots of absinth (another friend 2 and another 1). Overall, we ordered a lot of absinth. The result for me was a very strong buzz (I’m not very versed in this subject), but not much else, which was surprising when compared to my friend, who much worse than I (these are not my own words). Apparently, I handle my alcohol well (no hangover either). Anyways, it was an experience, and if you don’t know what absinth is, well you are already online. That’s how Petersburg ended, the next day we were off to Pskov and Novgorod (about which I will post soon and conclude this story, till then).
понедельник, октября 31, 2005
Petersburg Part 3
Day 4, last day in Petersburg. Our plan for today was the Hermitage and than nothing but free time. Hmm, what can I say about the Hermitage? It’s very big, very ornate, and full of very old things from various times and various cultures. 
I am really not the best to describe museums, and after walking around this huge palace for 3 hours my memory mainly consists of being very tired and bored of looking at pictures. I will say that I saw some neat stuff there, some Trojan artifacts, some Picassos, and some pretty amazing rooms. My favorite thing was the big medieval and renaissance weapons hall. They had some cool rapiers and stuff (what can I say; I’m a fencer). Other than that, the biggest thing I take out of it is simple being able to say I was at the Hermitage. Actually, there is a Russian film called “Russian Ark”.
It’s pretty good if you ever want to check it out. It’s shot entirely in one scene, no cuts, and takes place all through out the Hermitage, during different time periods. Basically, it was cool to have seen what various rooms I walked through were actually used for by the Tsars.
So after the Hermitage, we went to Lunch at a nice little place about 5 minutes away. The best part of this meal was the fact that we had desert (we never get desert!) and the best part of desert was that it was caramel flavored ice cream (my personal favorite). It was good.
Following lunch and some walking around Peter, I ended up at a sushi bar with two friends.
I can honestly say that I spent a several hundred rubles on this meal and would have spent more, it was the best sushi based meal I have ever had. (And don’t take my word for it, the parents of one of my two friends joining me for dinner own a sushi bar and she agreed that it was an excellent meal. We began the feast with sushi and sake. I had my favorite, octopus. Actually, this was the first time I have ever tried sake, turns out I really like it, one of the few alcohols I feel tastes good. We than moved on to the main course, I had a very good rice dish of some kind. After this, we decided to get some more sushi, and another round of sake. That last sushi platter was very good, had some octopus and unagi (eel, right? Well it was eel, but I believe its called unagi). Overall, the meal was excellent, although I had always thought sake was supposed to be really strong, whatever we had was definitely not, but this leads me to another tale …

I am really not the best to describe museums, and after walking around this huge palace for 3 hours my memory mainly consists of being very tired and bored of looking at pictures. I will say that I saw some neat stuff there, some Trojan artifacts, some Picassos, and some pretty amazing rooms. My favorite thing was the big medieval and renaissance weapons hall. They had some cool rapiers and stuff (what can I say; I’m a fencer). Other than that, the biggest thing I take out of it is simple being able to say I was at the Hermitage. Actually, there is a Russian film called “Russian Ark”.

It’s pretty good if you ever want to check it out. It’s shot entirely in one scene, no cuts, and takes place all through out the Hermitage, during different time periods. Basically, it was cool to have seen what various rooms I walked through were actually used for by the Tsars.
So after the Hermitage, we went to Lunch at a nice little place about 5 minutes away. The best part of this meal was the fact that we had desert (we never get desert!) and the best part of desert was that it was caramel flavored ice cream (my personal favorite). It was good.
Following lunch and some walking around Peter, I ended up at a sushi bar with two friends.

суббота, октября 29, 2005
Petersburg Part 2
Ok so continuing on with part 2 of that which was Petersburg, this would be the second day. It was Sunday so I trekked out early and went to Mass on Nevsky Prospekt. Mass was as good as always. The Main Church in Petersburg is pretty big, although do to renovations the actually area in use is small.

There is not much to say about the Mass itself. It was pretty much the same as in Vladimir, although I do like the Church in Vladimir much better. Actually, they had a history of the Church displayed in English, which was neat to read. The Soviets used it as a storage room and than as a theater after the persecutions began, the Catholic Church only got it back in 1993, which is after a fire in the 80’s.
After Mass, I went back to the hotel for some lunch at Sbarros. Did I mention a Sbarros was directly beneath the hotel, oh man talk about heaven, actual American pizza; it was great, and only 30 rubles, sweet. Anyways, lunch was good and then it was off to a few more churches. We went to Kazan Cathedral and the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood. Kazan Cathedral is clearly modeled after St. Peters in Rome
(Although I must say that having been to both it really fails in comparison). Still it is very pretty and houses the famous Kazan (I think) Icon.
The Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood is built on the spot of the assignation of Alexander II. The preserved the spot where he fell (but he actually died a few weeks later), that was really cool to see, and the entire church is covered in mosaics and is built in old style Russian architecture. It was raining almost all day, so after these two churches we didn’t really feel like walking anymore. For dinner, we found a KFC (I know, some much American food, but it’s so good!). Oddly enough, KFC’s in Russia do not sell biscuits, nor could I find sweet and sour sauce, unfortunate. That night we went to the ballet. We saw Don Quixote (I have a feeling that both the musical and book and any movies are more entertaining then this was) Ok, so it really was as bad as I would want to make it out to be, but did you guys know that there is no talking in a ballet, only dancing, just people dancing over and over again, ya … 3 hours, ya. I actually like the Nutcracker, but this was just not as interesting. I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would, but I don’t think I will be going to many ballets anytime soon. I think the biggest beef I had with the only thing was the fact that they don’t finish the story, it stops before you get to the part where Don Quixote’s friend fights him. After the ballet, the night was pretty much over. We went back to the hotel and hung out for a bit, than off to bed.
Day 3 was our excursion to Pushkin (Tsarsky Selo), which is one of the giant palaces of the Tsar’s. It was very big and very blue. Actually, I think I want to decorate one of the rooms in my future home like half the rooms at this palace, ornately decorated walls covered in gold and a tasteful painting on the ceiling, with some ten feet tall blue porcelain fireplaces.

I think that would be a nice room to have. Basically, Tsarsky Selo makes you wish you were a Tsar, even Nicky the 2nd. Not only was the palace beautiful, but the grounds around it were equally amazing. Gardens, lakes, and islands, the kind of place you think you ought to touring on a horse. After this little excursion, we came back to Petersburg for lunch (I don’t remember where). Then we went to a hockey game. This was very fun. I miss hockey (haven’t seen it for a year people!) Hockey is so fun to watch and our team (Petersburg) even won 3 to 0 I think, no fights though. After the hockey game we stood around outside (its cold in Peter) talking to some Russians for a while, that was interesting. Next I decided to have a nice cup of tea at a café and then I hit up Sbarros again before they closed (I love their pizza!). Although it was late, I still decided to walk down Nevsky to Dvortsovaya Square (the place by the Hermitage). It was really cool. There was no one there except for this one Sax man, reminded me of the Simpsons. So I sat there and listened for a bit, he was really good. So that was day 3. I think I will stop there for now, day 4 is pretty interesting and I don’t have time to do it justice right now, but it will give you guys something to which you can look forward.

There is not much to say about the Mass itself. It was pretty much the same as in Vladimir, although I do like the Church in Vladimir much better. Actually, they had a history of the Church displayed in English, which was neat to read. The Soviets used it as a storage room and than as a theater after the persecutions began, the Catholic Church only got it back in 1993, which is after a fire in the 80’s.
After Mass, I went back to the hotel for some lunch at Sbarros. Did I mention a Sbarros was directly beneath the hotel, oh man talk about heaven, actual American pizza; it was great, and only 30 rubles, sweet. Anyways, lunch was good and then it was off to a few more churches. We went to Kazan Cathedral and the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood. Kazan Cathedral is clearly modeled after St. Peters in Rome

(Although I must say that having been to both it really fails in comparison). Still it is very pretty and houses the famous Kazan (I think) Icon.
The Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood is built on the spot of the assignation of Alexander II. The preserved the spot where he fell (but he actually died a few weeks later), that was really cool to see, and the entire church is covered in mosaics and is built in old style Russian architecture. It was raining almost all day, so after these two churches we didn’t really feel like walking anymore. For dinner, we found a KFC (I know, some much American food, but it’s so good!). Oddly enough, KFC’s in Russia do not sell biscuits, nor could I find sweet and sour sauce, unfortunate. That night we went to the ballet. We saw Don Quixote (I have a feeling that both the musical and book and any movies are more entertaining then this was) Ok, so it really was as bad as I would want to make it out to be, but did you guys know that there is no talking in a ballet, only dancing, just people dancing over and over again, ya … 3 hours, ya. I actually like the Nutcracker, but this was just not as interesting. I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would, but I don’t think I will be going to many ballets anytime soon. I think the biggest beef I had with the only thing was the fact that they don’t finish the story, it stops before you get to the part where Don Quixote’s friend fights him. After the ballet, the night was pretty much over. We went back to the hotel and hung out for a bit, than off to bed.
Day 3 was our excursion to Pushkin (Tsarsky Selo), which is one of the giant palaces of the Tsar’s. It was very big and very blue. Actually, I think I want to decorate one of the rooms in my future home like half the rooms at this palace, ornately decorated walls covered in gold and a tasteful painting on the ceiling, with some ten feet tall blue porcelain fireplaces.

I think that would be a nice room to have. Basically, Tsarsky Selo makes you wish you were a Tsar, even Nicky the 2nd. Not only was the palace beautiful, but the grounds around it were equally amazing. Gardens, lakes, and islands, the kind of place you think you ought to touring on a horse. After this little excursion, we came back to Petersburg for lunch (I don’t remember where). Then we went to a hockey game. This was very fun. I miss hockey (haven’t seen it for a year people!) Hockey is so fun to watch and our team (Petersburg) even won 3 to 0 I think, no fights though. After the hockey game we stood around outside (its cold in Peter) talking to some Russians for a while, that was interesting. Next I decided to have a nice cup of tea at a café and then I hit up Sbarros again before they closed (I love their pizza!). Although it was late, I still decided to walk down Nevsky to Dvortsovaya Square (the place by the Hermitage). It was really cool. There was no one there except for this one Sax man, reminded me of the Simpsons. So I sat there and listened for a bit, he was really good. So that was day 3. I think I will stop there for now, day 4 is pretty interesting and I don’t have time to do it justice right now, but it will give you guys something to which you can look forward.
среда, октября 26, 2005
More on Peter, but first ...
I have more on my trip to Petersburg coming, but I wanted to take a quite break to mention a few things that had happened today.
First, I want to thank everyone who has sent me a package thus far. When I got back from Petersburg I had 3 packages waiting for me at school, than I got another the next day. This was awesome. I've never had som much mail before (even at home). Everyone was quite jealous too, mail is a big event around here. Aside from the packages themselves I now have several bags of swedish fish and have already eaten many of them. Its great, I think I might even have enough to last till December (although this is not confirmed since I have been known to consume a few thousand in just two weeks). I also got my personal favorites in Halloween candy (mmm candy corn). I'm not going to go to far into this, I'll just say it was a very nice surprise.
Snow is the next topic. Yesterday and again today it snowed for the first time since I've been here. Today the snow is even starting to stick to the ground a little bit. I can't say that it is all that cold though, no more than Maryland in November or December. Although I can only assume what snow in October will mean for the weather down the road.
Lastly,this morning I had a very stressful spider attack. I really hate spiders. Today as I was about to get into the shower, the spider living in the bathroom corner decided it would be a good idea to walk all around the ceiling. Oh, that was fun. This was right after I had seen another spider in my room on the way to the bathroom. So I was already freaked and now I had to keep checking where the spider was before I closed my eyes. I mean I don't want to open my eyes to a spider in the face. To think that I let that stupid spider live and this is how it thanks me. As far as me and spiders go, I don't seek them out and I don't kill them as long as I can't see them. But if I find one in my room or one seems a little to "active" its dead. Sorry but I'm not taking the chance that one could crawl on me when I'm not looking. Anyways, I couldn't fid the spider that was in my room before I left, that will be a comforting thought before I go to bed tonight.
Well, thats it for now, I should have another Peter post tomorrow or the next day. Keep reading!
First, I want to thank everyone who has sent me a package thus far. When I got back from Petersburg I had 3 packages waiting for me at school, than I got another the next day. This was awesome. I've never had som much mail before (even at home). Everyone was quite jealous too, mail is a big event around here. Aside from the packages themselves I now have several bags of swedish fish and have already eaten many of them. Its great, I think I might even have enough to last till December (although this is not confirmed since I have been known to consume a few thousand in just two weeks). I also got my personal favorites in Halloween candy (mmm candy corn). I'm not going to go to far into this, I'll just say it was a very nice surprise.
Snow is the next topic. Yesterday and again today it snowed for the first time since I've been here. Today the snow is even starting to stick to the ground a little bit. I can't say that it is all that cold though, no more than Maryland in November or December. Although I can only assume what snow in October will mean for the weather down the road.
Lastly,this morning I had a very stressful spider attack. I really hate spiders. Today as I was about to get into the shower, the spider living in the bathroom corner decided it would be a good idea to walk all around the ceiling. Oh, that was fun. This was right after I had seen another spider in my room on the way to the bathroom. So I was already freaked and now I had to keep checking where the spider was before I closed my eyes. I mean I don't want to open my eyes to a spider in the face. To think that I let that stupid spider live and this is how it thanks me. As far as me and spiders go, I don't seek them out and I don't kill them as long as I can't see them. But if I find one in my room or one seems a little to "active" its dead. Sorry but I'm not taking the chance that one could crawl on me when I'm not looking. Anyways, I couldn't fid the spider that was in my room before I left, that will be a comforting thought before I go to bed tonight.
Well, thats it for now, I should have another Peter post tomorrow or the next day. Keep reading!
понедельник, октября 24, 2005
Petersburg Part 1

Come with me to St. Pete's
We arrived in Petersburg at about 10:30am on Saturday (that’s Oct. 15th). From the train station to the hotel to our first excursion, to come back to the hotel, we had a lot to do. During our first day, we bused all around the city center and stopped about a million times to take pictures of various things (I took over 350 pictures). Most of the day was spent in St. Peter and Paul’s Fortress. Actually, the coolest part was we saw all the tombs of all the Tsars. From Peter the Great to Nicholas the 2nd. What can I say, we had lunch and some more bus touring, then back to the hotel.
The day was very interesting, but my favorite part starts with dinner. Most of the people in our group went to dinner at “The Idiot” (which is apparently pretty famous). It was a nice a place. It was very casually decorated, like a house might be. They had a small library, chess sets, places to lounge, and a bar in addition to the restaurant, and nothing was really separated. The food was excellent, and I say that with surprise myself because the place is completely vegetarian. I’m actually a big fan of meat and usually like to have it with my meals, but I really didn’t miss it this time. I had some rice noodles with vegetable and a very good sauce (I love rice noodles).
So dinner was good, after that it was time to hit the St. Peters nightlife. The first place we went to was basically like every other bar I have ever been to, full of people, smoke, and loud music. Not really my kind of place. A few us opted to find a better place, and that we did. After walking and talking for a while, we decided on a place called “The Money Honey.” This place was decorated in a western (that’s cowboys people) theme and featured some live Rockabilly. Although not my favorite music, rockabilly is pretty good (especially live). Still, the band took “frequent” breaks, so I needed more. Upstairs I found what I was looking for; in one room, they had your typical discoteka, hip hop, rap, and a ton of bad dancers. But in the other room, I stumbled into a live Russian ska band. That was fun. I definitely spent most of my time in there. The band was really good and put on a good show (I was skanking a bit, which apparently Russians don’t know how to do cause no one else was).
We stayed late and had a great time, and that was just my first day in Peter, more to come.
Overnight Trains
My trip to Petersburg began with a 12 hour train ride. We left at 10:40pm. This was the first time I had ever been on an overnight train before. It was also the first time I had ever been in a “Harry Potter” car. I don’t know the English word, but you know those enclosed rooms on the train we have all seen in the Harry Potter movies. It has 4 beds and a little table (a bit crapped too). I was in a car with one of my friends and two Russians, who barely spoke to each other. But the whole group was in the same train car, so I can’t say I spent too much time in my room.
It was pretty fun, plus it was the first time I was able to play Euchre in way too many months. Two of my friends actually know how to play, so we grabbed a fourth and jumped right in. I should mention that I was pair with the newbie and we managed to win 2 out of 3, she was a fast learner. We must have played for about 2 hours (Although I should ask, is it a general rule that you never lead with trump? Do most people play the way and I just never noticed? Well whatever). Actually, while I am on the subject of Euchre I find it interesting that the friends I have taught to play are now teaching others to play and so on and so on. It really seems to be spreading through my group of friends back home. I glad everyone likes it so much, and I think I should give credit to my teachers. To Busha and Grandpa and basically my Mom’s whole side of the family for letting me play when I come up and for teaching me the tricks of the trade.
Anyways, the train was not the best place to sleep for me, I must have woken up every time we stopped (at least 5 times), but my pillow was very comfortable. I was pretty neat to wake up in St. Pete’s, but word of advice if you every do an overnight train, slippers work much better in the bathroom than socks.
It was pretty fun, plus it was the first time I was able to play Euchre in way too many months. Two of my friends actually know how to play, so we grabbed a fourth and jumped right in. I should mention that I was pair with the newbie and we managed to win 2 out of 3, she was a fast learner. We must have played for about 2 hours (Although I should ask, is it a general rule that you never lead with trump? Do most people play the way and I just never noticed? Well whatever). Actually, while I am on the subject of Euchre I find it interesting that the friends I have taught to play are now teaching others to play and so on and so on. It really seems to be spreading through my group of friends back home. I glad everyone likes it so much, and I think I should give credit to my teachers. To Busha and Grandpa and basically my Mom’s whole side of the family for letting me play when I come up and for teaching me the tricks of the trade.
Anyways, the train was not the best place to sleep for me, I must have woken up every time we stopped (at least 5 times), but my pillow was very comfortable. I was pretty neat to wake up in St. Pete’s, but word of advice if you every do an overnight train, slippers work much better in the bathroom than socks.
суббота, октября 22, 2005
Back from Peter
Hey everyone,
Woo! what a week that was. I have some pretty interesting stories to tell you. I'll do my best to get it all out soon. For now I will just say that Petersburg is one fun town, and hockey games are still only 100 rubles (I'll let you do the math on that one). So everyone can start reading again, I should have my first few post up by Monday.
Wow, that will be 9 weeks too, oh interesting.
See you soon (By the way I took like over 300 pictures, so I'll see if I can't geta few up here)
Woo! what a week that was. I have some pretty interesting stories to tell you. I'll do my best to get it all out soon. For now I will just say that Petersburg is one fun town, and hockey games are still only 100 rubles (I'll let you do the math on that one). So everyone can start reading again, I should have my first few post up by Monday.
Wow, that will be 9 weeks too, oh interesting.
See you soon (By the way I took like over 300 pictures, so I'll see if I can't geta few up here)
пятница, октября 14, 2005
Gone till next Saturday
Well, I'm giving all you guys premission to actually not check my blog over the next few days. Why? Because I will not be posting. Why? Because I will not be in Vladimir. Why? Because I will be in St. Petersburg until next Saturday, 8 days from now. Ya, pretty cool. As my schedule goes, I will do four days in St. Pete's, 2 in Pskov, and 1 in Novgorod, plus the overnight train, which is fun in itself. Of course everyone is welcome to post a few comments while I am away, I just won't be reading them anytime soon.
Anyways, Пока and Goodbye! (for now) До суббота!
Anyways, Пока and Goodbye! (for now) До суббота!
четверг, октября 13, 2005
Stuff and thoughts
Unfortunately for all of you out there I have some good posts I'd like to put up right now, but since blogspot doesn't let you upload directly from your brain to your computer, they will have to wait.
None the less, I thought I would do a quick post today just in case I don't get a chance tomorrow. Why is that a problem, well for those of you who don't know, tomorrow night I am off to St. Petersburg, via the red-eye train from Vladimir. Yes 8 glorious days of no class in St. Pete's, Pskov, and Novgorod. For all of you who do have class next week, I laugh at you, ha Ha! But do not worry I shall tell you how much fun I had when I get back.
Anyways, tonight I am headed to a cafe for some no classes fun. Keep watching, I'll be back!
None the less, I thought I would do a quick post today just in case I don't get a chance tomorrow. Why is that a problem, well for those of you who don't know, tomorrow night I am off to St. Petersburg, via the red-eye train from Vladimir. Yes 8 glorious days of no class in St. Pete's, Pskov, and Novgorod. For all of you who do have class next week, I laugh at you, ha Ha! But do not worry I shall tell you how much fun I had when I get back.
Anyways, tonight I am headed to a cafe for some no classes fun. Keep watching, I'll be back!
понедельник, октября 10, 2005
With some inspiration from home, I thought I would do a quick post on what I have been eating here so far. I think the best way to describe Russian food is take any regular meal, say steak and potatoes, fry it, and add a lot of butter and you’ll have a typical Russian meal. That is not as much of an exaggeration as you may think. A good example would be the nice lump of butter I get in my oatmeal every morning. But all this does seem to be balanced by the fact that Russians work a lot. The second thing about the Russian diet is that you eat a lot, and I mean really a lot! I remember one morning, waking up to the biggest fried egg I had ever seen. It was bigger than the frying pan, and we have a big frying pan. I really don’t think I can describe this well enough, oh well, the point is most days I barely finish my plate, not to mention all the side dishes. Needless to say, I am eating well.
Ok so what do I eat? Well, the usual breakfast dish is oatmeal, well its actually called каща, which is porridge in general. This can be an oatmeal type, or a cream of wheat mixture, or a rice and milk mixture (my favorite), or milk and this brown grain type thing. All of this is pretty good. Of course, there are also eggs and these little fried dumpling things filled with cream cheese, oh man those are so good! I can’t leave breakfast with out mentioning Blini, Блыни. These are like pancakes, only thinner and more delicious. You can eat them with just about anything, jams, cheese, meats, anything.
Lunch is mainly soups, either Щи, “Shii,” or Borsch. I love borsch, it’s made from beets and its delicious, especially with Сметана, “smetana.” Ok I think here I should try to explain smetana. Basically, it’s like sour cream and Russian’s put it on everything. Seriously everything, in soups, on blini, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not my favorite thing, but still good with certain foods. By the way the kalbaca, sausage, sandwiches are really good here; I eat them a lot.
Dinner can be many things. Usually it is meat, with a side dish and salad. The side dish can be various rice dishes or potato dishes, or brown casha. The salads here have no lettuce. Actually, I’m not even sure it exists in Russia. They don’t use lettuce for anything here. I miss lettuce. It was always my favorite part of a salad. This one time I order a sandwich and it actually came with a piece of lettuce on it, oh man I was so happy! Well, anyways, that’s what I have been eating, along with a lot of tea, really a lot of tea, every meal and then some. But that’s ok, cause I like tea, tea is good.
Ok so what do I eat? Well, the usual breakfast dish is oatmeal, well its actually called каща, which is porridge in general. This can be an oatmeal type, or a cream of wheat mixture, or a rice and milk mixture (my favorite), or milk and this brown grain type thing. All of this is pretty good. Of course, there are also eggs and these little fried dumpling things filled with cream cheese, oh man those are so good! I can’t leave breakfast with out mentioning Blini, Блыни. These are like pancakes, only thinner and more delicious. You can eat them with just about anything, jams, cheese, meats, anything.
Lunch is mainly soups, either Щи, “Shii,” or Borsch. I love borsch, it’s made from beets and its delicious, especially with Сметана, “smetana.” Ok I think here I should try to explain smetana. Basically, it’s like sour cream and Russian’s put it on everything. Seriously everything, in soups, on blini, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not my favorite thing, but still good with certain foods. By the way the kalbaca, sausage, sandwiches are really good here; I eat them a lot.
Dinner can be many things. Usually it is meat, with a side dish and salad. The side dish can be various rice dishes or potato dishes, or brown casha. The salads here have no lettuce. Actually, I’m not even sure it exists in Russia. They don’t use lettuce for anything here. I miss lettuce. It was always my favorite part of a salad. This one time I order a sandwich and it actually came with a piece of lettuce on it, oh man I was so happy! Well, anyways, that’s what I have been eating, along with a lot of tea, really a lot of tea, every meal and then some. But that’s ok, cause I like tea, tea is good.
Hanging with the Russians
Ya so I finally went to the Friday night thing after daily Mass. I must admit I was a little freaked at meeting so many new people and whether or not I would be able to talk to them, or what would happen. My fears were pretty much baseless and pointless. If I need to learn anything, it is that when you say Universal Church that is exactly what it means. It doesn’t matter where you go. Catholics are everywhere and they are all the same. They are all ready to welcome new comers into their homes and make them feel like a part of the community. I mean you simply can’t regularly attend daily Mass, maybe even Sunday Mass, without getting to know the Priest and every single active member of the Parish. It’s great, it’s amazing, and it’s a good thing for me.
Here is how it went down. After Mass I was asked my at least 4 people if I was coming to the get together. I knew none of these people. So of course, I said yes and I was lead into the Parish center sat down and given some tea. I honestly think I have drunk more tea in 6 weeks than in my entire life, every meal and then some. Everyone got tea, snacks were served, and I meet several people. Everyone was very nice, very eager to meet me and speak to me in Russian. Many of them evening spoke some English (I am constantly amazed by the number of people here who speak English, German too). Anyways, we talked for a while and then we sang a few praise and worship songs. There happened to be some Sisters there and they quickly grabbed the guitar and got the rest of us going (Nuns rock!). After a few songs, everyone settled in for some faith talking. Ok so, I didn’t really understand anything that was said, but at least its good language practice and to be honest I still had a lot of fun. This all took about 2 hours and after it was all over of course, everyone stayed around for a while and talked. All and all, it was a great evening and I can’t wait for next week. I am also pretty happy that I can now say hi to several people at Mass.
Here is how it went down. After Mass I was asked my at least 4 people if I was coming to the get together. I knew none of these people. So of course, I said yes and I was lead into the Parish center sat down and given some tea. I honestly think I have drunk more tea in 6 weeks than in my entire life, every meal and then some. Everyone got tea, snacks were served, and I meet several people. Everyone was very nice, very eager to meet me and speak to me in Russian. Many of them evening spoke some English (I am constantly amazed by the number of people here who speak English, German too). Anyways, we talked for a while and then we sang a few praise and worship songs. There happened to be some Sisters there and they quickly grabbed the guitar and got the rest of us going (Nuns rock!). After a few songs, everyone settled in for some faith talking. Ok so, I didn’t really understand anything that was said, but at least its good language practice and to be honest I still had a lot of fun. This all took about 2 hours and after it was all over of course, everyone stayed around for a while and talked. All and all, it was a great evening and I can’t wait for next week. I am also pretty happy that I can now say hi to several people at Mass.
Week 6 in Review
I suppose I should title this post Thursday and Friday in review, since I really didn’t do much Sunday thru Wednesday. There was Sunday Mass, than 4 days of class. Hmm how interesting. Ok, but Thursday, we (our American group) went to the local planetarium. All I can really say is it was a planetarium, I think they are pretty much the same anywhere you go, although it was in Russian. It was interesting to see what they could do with some pretty old technology. I mean it was only lights and projections, run by an operator flicking switches. Still it looked a lot better than you (I) would have expected. Was it fun? Well it was something to do and really, anything can be fun when you are with friends. After the planetarium, I stopped home real quick and then it was off to daily Mass. This time I was actually able to follow the evening prayer and the Mass, so I enjoyed it as usually. The cool thing is that after Mass the Priest, Father Serge, gave me a book with the Mass parts in Russian to help me follow along. That was great. The book is also in German, Polish, and I think Swedish or Finnish. It also has a Latin part in the back. I likes it a lot. He also gave me a personal invitation to come to the Friday night prayer group, which I did and will post on next. So Thursday was a very good day.
Friday, our group went to a Kindergarten (Детский Сад, in Russian, Detsky means children and sad means garden). This was pretty fun. Little kids are always cute and they even put on a little show for us. The have a nice place to, every room was beds in it for naptime and they get little tables for meals, and plenty of toys, a music room, and a big playground outside. They said there are 180 kindergartens in Vladimir, that’s pretty amazing. After this, I bummed around one of the local markets for a while and took a walk in the big park we have here. Then I was off to the Soccer Match. The Torps played a good game but … Actually no they played a lousy game and despite having possession most of the game they blew several chances to score and the game ended in a 0-0 tie. It was disappointed, but I had no time to ponder this cause I had to get to daily Mass. Friday’s Mass was a special one because it was Our Lady of the Rosary, and the Mass was being offered for a sick member of the Parish. After Mass, we had a quick half hour of adoration, which was great. I had not been to adoration in like 4 months and I missed it. Then I went to the prayer group, which I will comment on next.
So this leads me up to now, 6 weeks into my first semester aboard and in a very good mood. I do hope that my Russia keeps improving, its gotten a lot better, but I still have trouble hearing what is said to me and my conversation skills are not where I want them to be, we’ll see I suppose.
Friday, our group went to a Kindergarten (Детский Сад, in Russian, Detsky means children and sad means garden). This was pretty fun. Little kids are always cute and they even put on a little show for us. The have a nice place to, every room was beds in it for naptime and they get little tables for meals, and plenty of toys, a music room, and a big playground outside. They said there are 180 kindergartens in Vladimir, that’s pretty amazing. After this, I bummed around one of the local markets for a while and took a walk in the big park we have here. Then I was off to the Soccer Match. The Torps played a good game but … Actually no they played a lousy game and despite having possession most of the game they blew several chances to score and the game ended in a 0-0 tie. It was disappointed, but I had no time to ponder this cause I had to get to daily Mass. Friday’s Mass was a special one because it was Our Lady of the Rosary, and the Mass was being offered for a sick member of the Parish. After Mass, we had a quick half hour of adoration, which was great. I had not been to adoration in like 4 months and I missed it. Then I went to the prayer group, which I will comment on next.
So this leads me up to now, 6 weeks into my first semester aboard and in a very good mood. I do hope that my Russia keeps improving, its gotten a lot better, but I still have trouble hearing what is said to me and my conversation skills are not where I want them to be, we’ll see I suppose.
To be sick or not to be sick
A little advice if you ever go to Russia, don’t get sick, or at least don’t tell any Russian’s about it. Seriously, Russian’s can be pretty crazy when it comes to illness and being sick. They really go for the “home remedies” but they have some the weirdest ways to go about it. For instance, did you know that you should never take a shower while you are sick? Of course, not it will only make things worse! Also, if you have a cold, you can’t drink anything that is cold, silly that will only make you colder (although ice cream is ok for some reason). One of my friends also enjoyed some iodine on the feet to help cure a cold. To top it off, when another friend went to a doctor for the flu, he was giving some nice water mixed with coal to drink (I think he refused that one). These are only the ones that come to mind. My point is that I’m doing everything I can to stay healthy here. (The shower thing is annoying, but the coal thing really weird). What really gets me is how most of these remedies are based off such far off logic (more so than most home remedies), i.e. a shower could make you hot (give you a fever) and than being wet afterwards will worsen your cold. It’s just strange.
среда, октября 05, 2005
Just a quick post today.
After classes today, I played basketball for the first itme in like 2 months. It was great. There were 4 of us Americans and of course a bunch of Russians. In case you were wondering, basketball is the same, pretty much anywhere you go. I should mention that I am pretty tried right now. I guess my skills have slipped ever so slightly. Either way, I hope this becomes a weekly thing, it was fun.
After classes today, I played basketball for the first itme in like 2 months. It was great. There were 4 of us Americans and of course a bunch of Russians. In case you were wondering, basketball is the same, pretty much anywhere you go. I should mention that I am pretty tried right now. I guess my skills have slipped ever so slightly. Either way, I hope this becomes a weekly thing, it was fun.
понедельник, октября 03, 2005
I know, a lot of posts today, I had a long weekend to write.
I got my first package yesterday, Sat. Oct. 1st. It was from my Mommy. She sent me some a few things I asked for, but it was great just to get a package. I think the funniest part was the nicely squished top, despite the fragile stamps all over the box. (Hmm, “fra’ji’la” must be French for package) I have a sinking suspicion that it happen somewhere in the Vladimir postal service, they don’t seem to be the most caring people in the world. Nevertheless, everything was fine and the occasion was joyous none the less. It only took about 2 weeks to get here too, that’s not bad. I mention this on the off chance that some of you out there my want to send me a package in the near future and I thought I would list a few things people could send me if they felt so inclined.
Well number one would have to be a bag of Swedish fish, I love those things and you can’t get them here, so I do miss them. I think number 2 would be another bag of Swedish fish, maybe not as big a bag as number one, but still a small bag of Swedish fish would be nice. For number 3 I’m going with a bag a Swedish fish, I love those things and you can’t get them here. Number 4, well I guess I bag a Swedish fish would be nice. Lastly, number 5 would have to a big bag of Swedish fish (only the original Swedish fish will do), I love those things, and you can’t get them here, in Russia.
All joking aside, I had been told that some people were asking what they could send me, now you know (but you’ll have to email me if you want my address) ((is anyone else constantly amazed as to how email is not only like a 10 year old word, but its already a common verb?))
Anyways, mail is kinda funny around here. The people at the post office seem to take offense when you ask them to do their job, like selling stamps or mailing letters. The mail systems is also painfully slow here, it took like a week and a few days for a letter my friend mailed to himself to reach his house, which is like half a mile from the post office. I’m to worried about it, as I hardly ever use the place, but I do feel that it I ever needed to overnight something, anywhere, they would just laugh at me.
I got my first package yesterday, Sat. Oct. 1st. It was from my Mommy. She sent me some a few things I asked for, but it was great just to get a package. I think the funniest part was the nicely squished top, despite the fragile stamps all over the box. (Hmm, “fra’ji’la” must be French for package) I have a sinking suspicion that it happen somewhere in the Vladimir postal service, they don’t seem to be the most caring people in the world. Nevertheless, everything was fine and the occasion was joyous none the less. It only took about 2 weeks to get here too, that’s not bad. I mention this on the off chance that some of you out there my want to send me a package in the near future and I thought I would list a few things people could send me if they felt so inclined.
Well number one would have to be a bag of Swedish fish, I love those things and you can’t get them here, so I do miss them. I think number 2 would be another bag of Swedish fish, maybe not as big a bag as number one, but still a small bag of Swedish fish would be nice. For number 3 I’m going with a bag a Swedish fish, I love those things and you can’t get them here. Number 4, well I guess I bag a Swedish fish would be nice. Lastly, number 5 would have to a big bag of Swedish fish (only the original Swedish fish will do), I love those things, and you can’t get them here, in Russia.
All joking aside, I had been told that some people were asking what they could send me, now you know (but you’ll have to email me if you want my address) ((is anyone else constantly amazed as to how email is not only like a 10 year old word, but its already a common verb?))
Anyways, mail is kinda funny around here. The people at the post office seem to take offense when you ask them to do their job, like selling stamps or mailing letters. The mail systems is also painfully slow here, it took like a week and a few days for a letter my friend mailed to himself to reach his house, which is like half a mile from the post office. I’m to worried about it, as I hardly ever use the place, but I do feel that it I ever needed to overnight something, anywhere, they would just laugh at me.
I swear, half of Russian television is just dubbed American shows and movies. Actually, some of the Russian shows look as if they rerecorded the soundtrack and dub it over the show, you can tell it’s a little of sync. It’s just so weird how much American culture has made it to Russia, especially the music. You can’t listen to the radio for 5 minutes without hearing an American song. They like a lot of 80’s music in Russia. In the grocery stores, I can find most American brands and products. Book stores have a ton of translated American, or English (Harry Potter), books. I’m not complaining, I really just find it humorous. Actually, if you want to know something interesting, German is a pretty popular language around here. Many Russians seem to be learning it and it’s definitely a common subject at the various universities and institutes. For instance, my tutor is a German language major. I can’t say it’s as popular as English, so many people in Moscow speak English, but its popularity has surprised me.
Happenings in America
As I believe I have said in previous posts, I stay on the up and up with the news back home. I thought that I would post on a few things that I have found interesting or what not, although most of this is probably old news to all of you.
First off, what’s with all the Hurricanes? I’ve been reading all I can about them, and I check the death toll, maybe too often. It’s just so inconceivable; I can’t believe that so many have lost there lives from this.
Next would be John Robert’s appointment to Chief Justice, that’s awesome. Actually, I was unaware that there are now 4 Catholics on the Supreme court, how weird is that? And now we have a new nomination to go through, must be interesting.
Hmm, actually, that seems to be all I can think of, oh well, moving on to sports …
I see that the Washington Nationals will not be going to the play-offs. That makes me happy, it makes me very happy, and in fact, I think I will do a little happy dance write now. That was fun. I really, really dislike the Nationals (should’ve been called the Senators anyway). Why? Because they move into town and all the sudden, it’s the “Nats” and “Oh we love our baseball team, hooray, Washington finally has a baseball team.” Um hello, Orioles? Ya and thanks to the Nationals, the Orioles games are no longer on network channels (like FOX) and no one seemed to notice, or care, when the O’s (a nickname they actually earned) were on top for like 2 months. Ya well, now the Nationals are just as bad as the O’s and collapsed at the end, just like the O’s, so there.
The Redskins beat Dallas, in Dallas, in 3 minutes. Do you understand how much I wish I could have watched that game? I and so jealous of everyone that did, I had to read about it. Oh man, that is so awesome; this makes the whole season for me. Oh and the win was so sweet, ahh why did I have to miss it! If anyone taped those last 3 minutes, please save it for me! I also see we beat Seattle, that's three in a row. Plus Nick Novak is now a Redskin (former Terp people!) that's awesome. I miss football.
Hockey season is also about to start, or maybe it has depending on when I post this. I was deprived of my hockey last year and now I am in Russia. That’s two years without the Washington Capitals.
Hmm, most of this has been about a sport, that’s a little weird, guess I know where my priorities are. I honestly don’t think about sports that much.
First off, what’s with all the Hurricanes? I’ve been reading all I can about them, and I check the death toll, maybe too often. It’s just so inconceivable; I can’t believe that so many have lost there lives from this.
Next would be John Robert’s appointment to Chief Justice, that’s awesome. Actually, I was unaware that there are now 4 Catholics on the Supreme court, how weird is that? And now we have a new nomination to go through, must be interesting.
Hmm, actually, that seems to be all I can think of, oh well, moving on to sports …
I see that the Washington Nationals will not be going to the play-offs. That makes me happy, it makes me very happy, and in fact, I think I will do a little happy dance write now. That was fun. I really, really dislike the Nationals (should’ve been called the Senators anyway). Why? Because they move into town and all the sudden, it’s the “Nats” and “Oh we love our baseball team, hooray, Washington finally has a baseball team.” Um hello, Orioles? Ya and thanks to the Nationals, the Orioles games are no longer on network channels (like FOX) and no one seemed to notice, or care, when the O’s (a nickname they actually earned) were on top for like 2 months. Ya well, now the Nationals are just as bad as the O’s and collapsed at the end, just like the O’s, so there.
The Redskins beat Dallas, in Dallas, in 3 minutes. Do you understand how much I wish I could have watched that game? I and so jealous of everyone that did, I had to read about it. Oh man, that is so awesome; this makes the whole season for me. Oh and the win was so sweet, ahh why did I have to miss it! If anyone taped those last 3 minutes, please save it for me! I also see we beat Seattle, that's three in a row. Plus Nick Novak is now a Redskin (former Terp people!) that's awesome. I miss football.
Hockey season is also about to start, or maybe it has depending on when I post this. I was deprived of my hockey last year and now I am in Russia. That’s two years without the Washington Capitals.
Hmm, most of this has been about a sport, that’s a little weird, guess I know where my priorities are. I honestly don’t think about sports that much.
Five Weeks
Today, Friday, Sept. 30, marks five weeks of living in Russia. Wow, that’s pretty cool. I really can’t believe that I have been here for five weeks. Thinking back, it seems like I’ve done so much, but I have really only just begun. In two weeks, I will be in St. Petersburg for a good 8 days. That will be amazing. It’s not only Petersburg, I also get to do a day in Novgorod and one other provincial town, plus it’s a week off from classes.
I have been to Ryazan, Moscow, and all over Vladimir and the surrounding country side. I think I’ve been to like 20 museums and a lot of churches. I seem to have gotten the schedule down for the Catholic Church here in Vladimir, and I got 2 days in a row of daily Mass going (hooray!). Things are going pretty well with the Church here. Mass is interesting in Russia, and I can at least sing along with the music now. I’ve also meet a couple of Germans living here. They’re not Catholic (yet), but they go to Mass and are active in the Catholic community. Anyways, the girl, Liza, let me know about a weekly get together every Friday after daily Mass. I would have gone today, but I couldn’t find her after Mass, and didn’t really know where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do. Oh well, there is always next week. By the way, Thursday we did a kind of Mass and evening prayer combo, which was a little hard to follow, but I was very excited about saying evening prayer in Russian, it was cool.
My home life is really great. I talk with my Babushka a lot, although ever since we got the TV for the kitchen, meal conversations have been a bit less. Either way, I finally fell comfortable here. I also definitely feel at home ion Vladimir. It was so weird coming back from Moscow and getting to Vladimir and being like “yup there’s the movie theater, there’s the Golden Gates, and oh they finally finished paving that sidewalk.” You know. Basically, Moscow was all new and unknown, and Vladimir was … I don’t know. And the buses and trolleys, no problem.
Classes are well “eh”. I don’t know, it’s kinda like being back in high school. I am at school from 9 to 2:30, lunch at twelve, and my classes are all chosen for me. I got used to looking forward to my classes in college, because I chose them, I wanted to go to them, and most of the time I enjoyed them. Here, it’s hard, asking complex questions in Russian is not easy, and the classes are boring and a bit slow (although I really do need the practice). Nevertheless, I suppose I am learning, so I can’t complain too much.
I am curious as to where I will be in another month. I can only hope that I will start thinking in Russian soon, which will be so cool. I think I can guess that my language skills have probably double in my time here so far. They weren’t very good to begin with, so don’t think that that is too impressive, Wait, actually you should think that that is extremely impressive, Yes assume that I am awesome. Anyways, if they double again in another month, I’d be pretty happy.
Well, that’s a long post on where I am at after 5 weeks.
I have been to Ryazan, Moscow, and all over Vladimir and the surrounding country side. I think I’ve been to like 20 museums and a lot of churches. I seem to have gotten the schedule down for the Catholic Church here in Vladimir, and I got 2 days in a row of daily Mass going (hooray!). Things are going pretty well with the Church here. Mass is interesting in Russia, and I can at least sing along with the music now. I’ve also meet a couple of Germans living here. They’re not Catholic (yet), but they go to Mass and are active in the Catholic community. Anyways, the girl, Liza, let me know about a weekly get together every Friday after daily Mass. I would have gone today, but I couldn’t find her after Mass, and didn’t really know where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do. Oh well, there is always next week. By the way, Thursday we did a kind of Mass and evening prayer combo, which was a little hard to follow, but I was very excited about saying evening prayer in Russian, it was cool.
My home life is really great. I talk with my Babushka a lot, although ever since we got the TV for the kitchen, meal conversations have been a bit less. Either way, I finally fell comfortable here. I also definitely feel at home ion Vladimir. It was so weird coming back from Moscow and getting to Vladimir and being like “yup there’s the movie theater, there’s the Golden Gates, and oh they finally finished paving that sidewalk.” You know. Basically, Moscow was all new and unknown, and Vladimir was … I don’t know. And the buses and trolleys, no problem.
Classes are well “eh”. I don’t know, it’s kinda like being back in high school. I am at school from 9 to 2:30, lunch at twelve, and my classes are all chosen for me. I got used to looking forward to my classes in college, because I chose them, I wanted to go to them, and most of the time I enjoyed them. Here, it’s hard, asking complex questions in Russian is not easy, and the classes are boring and a bit slow (although I really do need the practice). Nevertheless, I suppose I am learning, so I can’t complain too much.
I am curious as to where I will be in another month. I can only hope that I will start thinking in Russian soon, which will be so cool. I think I can guess that my language skills have probably double in my time here so far. They weren’t very good to begin with, so don’t think that that is too impressive, Wait, actually you should think that that is extremely impressive, Yes assume that I am awesome. Anyways, if they double again in another month, I’d be pretty happy.
Well, that’s a long post on where I am at after 5 weeks.
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