Here is a picture of my new Church. As you can see its pretty nice. Its small but very beautiful, and it is right in the center of town.

This is a picture of my room. The apartment is small, but I do have a very big room and it is all to myself. So I can't complain about anything there. The bed is a pullout sofa, but its comfortable enough.
As far as general updates go, my classes are as boring as ever, I really hope that improves soon, cause it is annoying. In a week and 2 days I am off to Moscow for the weekend. That promises to be a fun trip. We even get to see Lenin, which will be interesting. I can't wait! Culture Shock is slowly starting to decrease. I'm getting more used to everything and all that stuff. I've still got a bit to go before I feel at home, but it'll happen (thanks for all your thoughts and prayers). My Russian has definitely improved a lot so far. I am definitely better then I was at the end of last semester, although that is still not all that good. I do have a good time talking with my host Mom, she is great. I'm still not into a routine yet, and everyday gets a bit crazy at times, but that too is getting better.
So I hope to get some pictures of Ryazan up here soon, that was a fun weekend.
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