пятница, июля 08, 2005

American Councils

I guess this happens with all new blogs but I feel I need to get a lot of these introduction posts out of the way. Right now I want to describe the program that I am going abroad with. As the title indicates I will be with American Councils of Teachers of Russian. A very well respected program, more so now that I am part of it, they were very happy to take me on. Anyways, I'll be in Vladimir, Russia, like I said. I will be there from August 25 until May 23. Lets see, what can I say? Its expensive to study in Russia, but not for me. Why you ask, I gots me a scholarship. I am officially a NSEP Boren Scholar. Not only does this pay for most of my cost but it almost assures me a job in the intelligence community when I graduate. Pretty cool right? I gotta say I am looking forward to this indeed! I mean through the program we get to cultural excursions every week plus longer trips to Moscow and Petersburg and elsewhere during the semester. We also get like 4 weeks or so between semesters. Can you say Trans Siberian Rail? Yes it will be fun (despite the fears I may have). Well that's all I really have to say about American Councils.

1 комментарий:

Sebastian комментирует...

Well, I could lend you a thousand dollars, but you'd just be paying it back to me in tour guide fees. I'm good, I don't come cheap. So I'll lend you a thousand and you'll pay me a thousand for my tours of Russia and we'll call it even.