понедельник, июля 25, 2005

Howard Dean is annoying

Looking over my various news sources today, I came across an article at lifenews.com about democrats making efforts to reach out to pro-lifers (perhaps realizing that they can't win an election without us?). What caught my attention was a quote by party prez Howard Dean. Since I first learned of Howard Dean from the Dean for Pres group at UMD (who later changed their name to Anyone but Bush when Dean lost, boo hoo), I have found him annoying. First off, he used to be a Planned Parenthood board member (blach!). Second he, like the rest of the democratic candidates, tried to pass himself off as Christian during the election (ya making fun of the religious right is all fun and games until you suddenly need us for something).

But the past aside, Dean managed to annoying me once again today by saying this, "The Republicans have painted us as a pro-abortion party. I don't know anybody in America who is pro-abortion." source, lifenews.

Um right, ok first, the Republicans haven't done anything, the pro-abortion view of the Democratic party is its own fault. Second, your an idiot. I can't believe he thinks he is only "pro-choice" not "pro-abortion". I hate that argument, its completely illogical and stupid! Yes you are pro-abortion, don't try and save your tiny consciences by pretending its a "necessary evil". I really hate it when pro-choicers think they are about to shock and amaze my ignorant fetus loving views by telling me this shocking revelation that they are in fact not pro-abortion, as I had stupidly thought, but are anti-abortion ... oh wait that's what you call us, ok I meant pro-I don't really like abortion and would never have one, but I think its a necessary evil blah blah blah. Yes apparently everyone in America thinks that abortion is a horrible procedure that no one in their right mind would ever want to go through, BUT! of course sometimes it is in fact necessary, women are just forced to have one (what forced you say? I thought it was their "choice").

This is perhaps the stupidest logic I have ever heard. You know what, I'm not really a big fan of heart surgery. Its life endangering, painful, hard, and all around not fun. Yet, I would consider myself to be pro-heart surgery, and yes I would have heart surgery myself (gasp!). But Joey wait, that analogy is false, heart surgery is necessary to save someone's life. I agree, it is necessary to save someone's "health".

Ok I don't need to go off on a rant, let me wrap this up. The point is if you think abortion is so necessary, even if you think its evil, guess what, you're pro-abortion. Stop rationalizing your morals and deal with the fact that you support something even you think is wrong.

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