воскресенье, июля 10, 2005

The Fantastic Four

Well, I saw the Fantastic Four today so I thought I would review it for you good people. (See not everything must be Russian here) My first impression of this movie was one of disappointment. So many things about this movie had such great potential, but few of it was realized.

My biggest beef with the movie was Dr. Doom. I did not like what they did to him. I mean they have him gain powers from the cosmic storm like the rest of the Fantastic Four! What is that all about? Now in the comics, I liked Dr. Doom. He is your classic evil genius type supervillian, but he always was to go one on one with the F4 when he needed too. In the movie they make him this metal/electrical superhuman thing, and it really doesn't suit him. Not only that but he just didn't feel like Doom. Add that to the fact that the super fights were few and very short, which is unfortunate in an action movie.

My next beef is with the plot. Oh man, there are some many places where you could just tweak the story just a bit and it would be so much better! Let me think of a place ... Oh ok like when the cosmic storm hits, Doom is in his shielded area, which turns out not to work, but if it had just think of the possibilities. You got jealousy, from both Doom and the F4, and at least you keep Doom true to the comics. Well I may not have the best ideas, the point is neither did the movie and it could have been much much better.

My third problem was the invisible women, I felt that they didn't really get her right. Maybe it was the acting, more likely the writing and directing though. I also found the music to be very forgettable. I mean I can still hear the Spider-man theme in my head, but I couldn't catch the Fantastic Four theme even when I was watching the movie.

Ok that said, there were some could things. At least 50% of the jokes were funny, the rest felt very forced. The special effects were incredible. The acting was decent, nothing really stood out, but it didn't hurt the movie. There was some good character development, so that was a plus.

The one thing that I absolutely hated though was The Thing's love life. First, he was married and his wife leaves him when he transforms, that was stupid. Next, they through in his girlfriend from the comics. Now I like her and their relationship in the comics, but come on! You see her for like 5 mins. total on screen, but suddenly they're in love. Oh and the worst part was when the meet the Thing says "If there is a God, he doesn't like me." She replies "She is blah blah blah." Oh man, "She?" Come one, that's such a cheap shot to throw into the movie, AND the Things girlfriend isn't like that! She would never say that, its out of character and very annoying.

Well, those are my thoughts on the movie, I give it a 6 out of 10, not really worth seeing, but it's worth the money it you had any desire to see it.

1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

I don't know for sure about the rest of the family, but The Thing is Jewish.