вторник, июля 26, 2005

I hate Memes

Mike I hate you, but I'll do it anyway.

Well 10 years ago I was 11 and in 5th or 6th grade, I can't remember. Gees that was '95, hmm ya 5th grade seems about right. This was about the time that My friends and I discovered Green Day, my most favorite band ever (even though their dirty liberals I still like them). The summer of 1995 was my second to last year in Germantown, Maryland, where I used to live. I believe I played a lot of Novelty Flying Disc Golf. Oh and I had just graduated from elementary school. Ya graduated, I had a ceremony and everything, used a microphone for the first time and it scared me, sounds like a graduation to me.

Hmm ... 5 years ago was 2000, that was high school for me. I never really like the class of 2000, so pretentious, "Ooo look at us, we graduated with the millennium," whatever. What was I doing, end of sophomore year. Well I had just finished my second year of pole vaulting with a career high of 10 feet 6 inches. I think my memory is only good for about 3 years. Ah! I got my first job that summer, working at the golf course. I was a cart boy, I mean a cart maintenance engineer. That was a good summer, cause I still cut lawns so I had more money then I knew what to do with, ya that never happened again. I can't be sure but that might be the year I stopped playing with action figures, or maybe that was freshman year, I don't remember, I just know that was a sad day for me.

1 year ago I had just finished my first year of Russian at UMD. It was also the summer I decided to study abroad. Lets see, I started working at Circuit City (boy that was a REAL thrill) By the way stop shoplifting people, its you shoplifters fault I had to watch 8000 videos on shoplifting. Oh right, last summer my friend Kenn and myself filmed the penultimate (I don't know what that word means and am to lazy to look it up, but it sounds cool) episode of our Batman series, modeled after the 60's version of course. By the way I really am trying to get that thing edited, its not my fault! Ya last summer was a good one, almost got arrested in my Batman costume :).

Yesterday I um ... I, oh right, yesterday I spent much of the day edited the original version of Empire Strikes Back and preparing it for DVD. If Lucas won't put them on DVD, I will! Unfortunately I did have to cut 23 seconds off the end of the credits, stupid DVD was too small! Then I had a nice dinner with my parents and the neighbors and topped off the evening by playing a bit of Halo 2 online with my brother. I also went to Mass, duh!

I forgot how I was planning on ending this stupid thing, but I refuse to tag anyone, besides everyone I know has already been tagged, thank you once again you MIKE!
(By the way does sarcasm transfer to text?)

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