среда, июля 27, 2005


Before I go into this post I think I should admit that I am a hypocrite. There I said it. I don't mean to be, but sometimes I'll take a step back from something I'm doing, saying, or thinking and just say man that's a bit hypocritical. Sorry I can't help it (actually I think everyone is hypocritical at one time or another), and to make matters worse I really hate hypocrisy, I find it very annoying. I simply hold myself (like to many people today) to another standard than the one I use to judge other people, again I apologize and I'm working to correct myself.

Regardless, I don't mind at all pointing out when someone else is being hypocritical, which I shall do right now. Read this article I pulled from lifenews.com, it talks about congressional hearings on the morning after pill and whether the government should be able to force pro-life and moral pharmacists to fill prescriptions for the morning after pill, which can be abortificient if you were wondering. Of course the abortion advocates are doing everything they can to make sure the government does force innocent people to assist in the destruction of little babies.

Let me explain the hypocrisy I find in the pro-choice position here. As some of you may know, a common argument used by the pro-choice side is that the government should act as doctors. Meaning our elected officials should have no say in whether a "medical procedure" should be legal, only doctors should decide this. The fault in this argument being that fact that the "procedure" kills a human child, which as a right to its life according our constitution.

My point is, here we are in this situation were the government is again interfering with a healthcare professional's decision or opinion and the pro-choicers are hailing the action. I find this hypocritical, although not surprising mind you. It seems to me if the government should stay out of the doctors office that same mentality should apply here.

In reality, I think the whole argument is stupid, the government has been regulating the health industry from the beginning of this country, but I don't mind pointing out more problems with another of the pro-choicers arguments, and there are so many :).

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