понедельник, июля 11, 2005

Russian Lit

Last semester I had the opportunity to take a Russian Literature class. I got to read several very good Russian books, and I got a very good intro into the cultural aspect of Russian Literature. This is pretty important in my opinion for study abroad. If you think about our American culture, there are so many cultural references that are based in our Literature. Actually English literature in general. I mean take Romeo and Juliet. How many times have you heard some love struck guy referred to as Romeo? Stuff like this happens so often that we don't really notice it. Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Tolkien, and even new comers like Stephen King and Tom Clancy. Learning a language is completely intertwined with learning the culture. People speak in references all the time and a new language can be confusing enough without having to wonder what something like, "You're such a Romeo." means when you don't know who or what Romeo is. Well after all that let me recommend some classic Russian novels that I really enjoy. "Dr. Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak, is probably my Favorite so far. Its about the lives of various people, focusing on Zhivago of course, through WWI and the Revolution in Russia. That's followed closely by Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment." That was very good and had some very interesting themes revolving around sin and redemption (and of course crime and punishment). Others I like include "We" by Zamiatan, "Heart of a Dog" by Bulgakov (Short but good), and "Hadji Murat" by Tolstoy. I'd check any of these out if you're looking for a summer read.

2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

The square root of negative one! The square root of negative one! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH! Did people think that was really freaky back then, or was it just the author?

Sebastian комментирует...

Not that I can speak for everyone back then, but Zamyatin was definitely not what most would consider normal.