суббота, июля 16, 2005

Discrimination strikes again

I found a rather interesting story on the news today, check it out. It seems that there is a Christian adoption agency that refuses to let Catholic parents adopt from them. They say that Catholics don't agree with their "statement of faith." The article also says that a Catholic priest was asked to look over the statement by one of the Catholic couples and found no reason that it would disagree with the Church. This basically means that the adoption agency says the Catholic Church doesn't agree with their statement, which if it were true, you'd think that a priest would also say the two are in disagreement. I would like to paste that statement here, but unfortunately the agency's website won't load, one too many people overloading their server maybe? Wonder why? The address is www.bethany.org

The part that hits home the most is that fact that this particular adoption agency receives part of the funds that the "choose life" license plates generate. Of course some of this license plates are purchased by Catholics. So if the Catholics of Mississippi wish to by a pro-life license plate they must also give money to an adoption agency that discriminates against them. Funny right.

Well, I feel this is a perfect example of one of the few discriminations still accepted in America. Its pretty sad if you ask me, and I wish I could say it was new to me or something I had never seen before, unfortunately not.

2 комментария:

Julie D. комментирует...

I have a feeling it is this sentence from their faith statment:
I believe that in all matters of faith and life, the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the final authority.

Sola scriptura strikes again. Ironic since they have something on the sidebar that says families are needed.

Sebastian комментирует...

After reading the statemant myself I would have to agree with you. That is problem sentence. What is odd is the feeling I am struck with right now. It seems weird that they use the word Christian so much in that statement of faith. As far as I know most people, Catholics Christians and others, still consider Catholicism a Christian faith. But the discrimination here is clearly based on one of the old reasons for breaking away with the Church, as you said, Sola scriptura and Papal authority. Maybe I do understand why the other Christian faiths have a larger sense of unity with themselves, despite their disagreements, then with Catholics. But maybe I don't. Really I just find it sad